컵 커피 시장에서의 존재감을 강화하기 위한
트리플 집중천재키트 마케팅의 하나로 인스타그램을 중심 채널로 홍보
'참여 방법 안내'에 대한 정보 전달에 중점을 둔 키트 소개 영상과
'흥미'를 극대화 시키기 위한 붐업 영상으로 구성
It's time to concentrate!
To strengthen its presence in the cup coffee market as part of the marketing of intensive genius kits, Instagram is promoted as a central channel.
To strengthen its presence in the cup coffee market as part of the marketing of intensive genius kits, Instagram is promoted as a central channel.
It consists of a kit introduction video that focuses on delivering information on how to participate and a boom-up video to maximize the interest.
Boom Up
Story Board_Boom Up
Introduction Video
Story Board_Introduction Video
Social Network Views
Client : Maxim T.O.P
Agency : Remake Digital
Designed(Part), Animated : Minwoo Heo
Running Time: Boom up (57") / Introduction (1' 00")
Date : 2019. 4